She’s a very smart dog. I really hate that she can’t be an inside full time dog.
She figured out quick I was the softie that would bring her treats and stuff.
My mom had a German Shepherd that was very protective of her. My dad got home from an extended trip once and hugged mom really tight and patted her firmly on the back. The dog hopped up and quizzically asked him (in dog speak) ‘are you insane?, she feeds me hamburger meat and gravy with my food...who the heck are YOU?’ LOL
Daddy backed away, slowly.
That dog ate better than the kids ate. If WE didn’t like what she’d fixed for supper it was a long time till breakfast. If the dog turned up his nose at supper she’d doctor it till she found something he’d eat. He was sooooo spoiled. She would feed him ground hamburger meat sometimes. He slept next to her side of the bed too. At 110lbs he was formidable. But a huge softy with my kids. He herded them to one of us if they tried to wander off LOL.
The utility guy read the meter with binoculars.