Ok. No groomer, instead we brush him ourselves and clip his claws, although the vet does it as a free service with check ups. No crate. His food is more than the list. His license is $3. Toys are maybe $30/year as we avoid things he could destroy in a minute. Instead, I give him heavy cardboard tubes from towels and wraps so he can shred them, satisfy that urge and do it for free. He still has puppy toys and some hand me downs from the previous dog. I also put balls in old socks and let him free the ball. He is finicky, so treats are usually a spoonful of peanut butter or some homemade apple ships or homemade dehydrated liver or bones we save from our meals or get from the butcher at the locker plant. Vet bills are less than the listed price, although the neuter was more. Vectra tick repellent often had bonus months for free and otherwise runs promotions.
We have had the same cat carrier for 20+ years. It was cheap. She also ignores treats except for some finely chopped raw venison once in a while or finely chopped chicken. Sees the vet every few years for shots. No license.
I figure about $1000/year or less for both of them.