Like I said, you need to get out more, it is a big country, bigger than just your neighborhood.
Oh make no mistake. I’ve moved to the ‘whitelandia’ that’s most of the midwest and northern suburbs as an adult. I lived in Africa as a child. Betcha my passport has more stamps than yours...
It’s you guys who need to get out more.
My high school was 50/50. Ditto our community and general neighborhood. My roomie in college was black.
When I lived in the NE I worked with white people who’d never gone to school with anyone other than white people. Or lived in a neighborhood with anything but white people. Or gone to church with anything but white people. And told me frankly they’d never consider moving to the deep south because it was (sotto voce) ‘too dark’.
The Clarionliar knew exactly what they were doing when the posted the picture of the all blonde whitebread family at a walmart in whitelandia along with the article about the looting at the walmart in Phil Miss. Those of us who’ve read the clarionliar for nearly 40 years know this from experience.
Gannett can’t close them down soon enough.