It needs to stay broken forever.
The vast majority of software engineers are Libertarians. They only have idiot liberals available to run the website.
Gotta wonder if Libertarian hackers have sent or will send a Stuxnet type virus into the ObamaCare website. Hee! Hee!
They can take their deadlines and penalties and shove `em.
I think the BIG government IT boys are still trying to fix the food stamp machine. The ObamaCare website is going to wait. Barry’s “children” are out there starving right now!
Obama & his cohorts will refuse to acknowledge that the problems are more than easy-fix glitches, and they will refuse to accept help from those who know how to fix the website.
They do not want it to be fixed.
Having worked in software, data processing, programming and IT for 40+ years, I offer this tried and true theorem:
The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time.
The remaining 10% takes the other 90%.
Proved time after time after time. And rarely taken into account by contractors or clients.
I am stunned to read that programming on this behemoth didn’t start until this past spring. Designed to fail?
I have been in healthcare for 33 years as a physician assistant. The elephant in the room is that the government cannot even get the website right...and they are going to dole out healthcare??? I cant even imagine the mistakes in diagnosis coding, medication errors and billing as well as a mass exodus of American schooled doctors that await people when this thing gets in to full swing. I work at a large hospital in Alabama and everyone I come into contact with in the course of the day (healthcare workers) basically agrees that this has nothing to do with healthcare as so many of you have posted already. It has everything to do with crashing the Republic as we know it. Its called a Trojan Horse.
To think that a new software system that is dependent on a number of old antiquated federal systems is insane.
This is all by design. Obama purposefully wanted a crappy website so single-payer can be rushed in. If he wanted a good website, he could’ve contacted anyone in Silicon Valley to create one at a far cheaper price.
Sebelius has been such a great overseer of the website that she deserves a promotion just like Susan Rice! /s
Impossible *for even the New York Times* to ignore.
Officials have said publicly that the site should be fixed in time for the December deadline
The same officials who've been saying for over three years that the site would be ready at launch, and who continue to say that the problem is unexpected volume ("and that's a good thing") and a few iPhone-like glitches.
It’s an architectural flaw. Until the architecture is redesigned, it will always be broken.
and the left was trying to make it sound as if Apple also had it’s own health-care web sight. and why are they using Apple as an excuse? God, if this was happening in 2010, the glitches would of been blamed on Bush.
I looks like a front end system designed to collect names and personal information without being able to actually sell anyone anything in a legally binding manner.
I know 0bamacare is not actually intended to work as promised. It is a backdoor method of getting single payer (government) healthcare.
The Democrats are facing a big problem if this 0bamanation fails TOO FAST. If they don't have something ready to go to replace this they will have destroyed American Healthcare with nothing to replace it. I do not think that will go over well at the polls.
The Republicans and the TEA Party need to make the the ONLY issue for the 2014 and 2016 elections. I think we have a chance to pummel the Democrats at all levels of government.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
It will stay broken because there are not any “providers” to speak of.
No one is “playin ball” on the supply side of the equation.
Guess they kind of forgot about that one... force people to buy, but fail to force suppliers to supply.
At nearly 2 weeks, the obamacare software has broken the world record for glitches. The previous record was 0.478473812 seconds.
Dubious. I've not seen any evidence that that bunch is capable if being embarrassed.
I read something yesterday that claimed a lot of the work was farmed out to Asian programmers. But I can’t find it again or anything else that talks about it.
You guys have a link?
Thank you.