>>It is entirely possible to make that much and live paycheck to paycheck.<<
And what would you do if for whatever reason you were unable to go to work for a month? How would your family survive?
The answer is in being an adult and having six months take home pay available if needed. One paycheck in cash at home in case the electricity goes out and the rest in the bank in your checking account.
It means cutting back on some little thing like perhaps going out each weekend for a nice dinner or being able to walk by something in the store without the “Oh, I must have that worthless item” getting into your wallet.
I am more than an adult and every extra penny I have is going into retirement planning. I could get the $ in an emergency but would take 5-10 days. I dont know the last time I went out for a nice dinner, and certainly dont do it every week, and do not buy worthless items.
I pay my bills, and am putting kids through private schools and now private colleges, without ever taking a dime from anyone. Like to throw any more stones?