Posted on 10/12/2013 7:54:59 AM PDT by IbJensen
If anyone is still so deluded as to think Obama actually cares about the poor, this should extinguish your delusion for good.
The (un)Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare and more truthfully should be called Lucifercare, will fine charitable hospitals that provide healthcare for poor people for free.
The fines can be as high as $50,000.
After that, Lucifercare via its minions in the IRS will remove the nonprofit status from those hospitals. Currently, some 60% of U.S. hospitals are nonprofits.
Of those, a sizeable number are Catholic. 615 Catholic hospitals account for 12.5% of community hospitals in the United States, and over 15.5% of all U.S. hospital admissions.
Last year, it was Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the four liberals on the Supreme Court which led to the courts narrow 5-4 ruling that Lucifercare is a tax and therefore is constitutional. Roberts is a Roman Catholic. I hope youre happy with yourself, Roberts you POS.
Lucifercares fining and hounding-int0-extinction charitable hospitals should tell you, once and for all, that when Obama and all Democrats say they care about the poor, its all lip service, otherwise called *Lies*.
What they care about is *POWER* their power.
Thank you.
the NSA will be knockin down my door any minute now,,,
The cost of medical attention grew by leaps and bounds due to the automotive unions seeking super-increased benefits contract year after contract year. This was exacerbated by the auto execs granting it to keep the production lines grinding out crap.
Add to this the throngs that flocked to emergency care, as you point out, and the result is the gruesome mess we have today.
Elect a demagogic, half-witted mystery Marxist and voila you have a witch's potion that will kill America.
Throw in the local city/county/state employee unions and their premium health care thanks to our tax $’s, add the uninsured illegals and our home raised non payers/workers and you have a witches brew which kicks up the hospitals’s costs on a daily basis.
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