How did Eternal Vigilance do last year, btw?
Exactly the way I made very clear I believed any third party would do -- beaten by either a leftist Democrat or a leftist Republican. I also made it very clear that I was voting third party and rejecting leftist liberal Romney not because I had any illusion a third party candidate would win -- I knew as well as you did AND I MADE IT QUITE CLEAR that the vote was ONLY to deny a majority mandate to whichever leftist won.
You voted for Romney. You voted FOR leftism, liberalism, and FOR making leftism more powerful in the Republican party. THAT IS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR, period. You deny it, but it is true that you voted FOR leftism to grow stronger in the Republican party.
You are all broadcast and zero receive. You are totally driven by emotion. One hundred percent -- you have failed utterly to comprehend what I've been saying here.
However, judging by the ways elections have been going, many, many Republicans are turning to the same page that I am on. You, meanwhile, are still stuck on doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Hey, Kansas, I FOLLOWED your advice for decades. You were wrong.
YOU allowed Obama.
Romney would not have allowed Bengazi, Romney might not have gotten rid of Obamacare completely, but it would have been trimmed way back, maybe only to a national “high risk pool” of those with preexisting conditions. Romney would never have cut off death benefits to widows of our heroes who die in combat. Romney would be much better on taxes and the economy.
Get yourself a good mirror if you want to look at yourself so much.
Politics is not designed to give you someone exactly like yourself, that will never happen.
You voted for Obama.
I did not vote for Obama.
The primary purpose, the REAL purpose of any vote is a vote AGAINST the worst evil on the ballot.
You allowed the worst evil on the ballot.