We will only default if they prioritize debt payments below appropriations.
Will Obama do that? Who knows?
Wouldn’t surprise me if the turkey does it on purpose if thinks he can benefit from it.
Obama and the Treasury will not ignore debt payments. Yes, they would divert funds from other recipients. Why? Because if they missed debt payments the interest rate would SKYROCKET likely to 20% or more as indicative of their willingness to repay bond debts. And those rates would kill all the pork feeding troughs of Fed Gov Gimmedats buy-some-votes programs these politicians live on.
They’re bluffing on both the funding and debt ceiling. Answer this. Which party and its constituents is most dependent upon government spending and handouts? There ya go. They will cave. Otherwise they have nothing to offer their constituents.
All they have are lies and debt left to offer. Time to cut them off.