And the ‘Texas Sharpshooter’ fallacy: you squeeze off six quick shots into the barn wall, then take a piece of chalk and circle each one. Bullseyes!
But the author is right. It is gradually getting colder each day here in IN.
And the days are getting shorter as they pass; we’re doomed, I fear.
When it comes to promoting pseudoscience, people like Dr. Michael Mann are more dangerous than semiliterates like “Dr.” Kent Hovind and “Dr.” Carl Baugh. Why? Because unlike those two, Michael Mann knows what makes an idea scientific and is knowingly peddling pseudoscience (climate catastrophism) in order to expand the Cathedral’s unelected power (which Michael Mann is a member of).
Now I know that Carl Baugh and Kent Hovind are dishonest too, but they’re dishonest in a stupid way. In contrast, Michael Mann is dishonest in a sort of intelligent devilish way.