America - Land Of The Free^ Loaders
Both Greece and the U.S. ran high international trade deficits for years. The end result was that Greece’s industries were destroyed and they became a welfare state until the capital was depleted.
But they got cheap imports in the meantime.
I think our Republican ‘leaders’ with rare exception are too stupid to understand the games Democrats are playing against them. The destruction of the United States by accumulation of massive debt is going to be blamed on the few weeks of the shutdown.
Dems have gotten in front of the train wreck and they’re setting the stage for blaming us for higher interest rates - which will come BECAUSE OF THE DEBT... NOT because of the shut down. They’ve taken the other economic horrors and allowed Obama to ‘mouth the words’ about them ... when the crash happens he’ll be able to pull up these bullshit speeches and say ‘ See, I told ya’.... The problem is the things Obama’s describing will happen anyhow - and are NOT related to the shutdown.
We’ve been electing idiots on our side for too long - and allowing them to make laws that make it next to impossible to run a more competent person against them. If they don’t understand what the dems are doing against them, they need to call someone like Sowell and have it explained to them...
It is a good thing we can print our own money and raise the dent ceiling so we can pay back that debt...
and they’re arguing about increasing the ceiling while we’re currently spending $3.5T after raising only $2T. of course, we’re also starting to push 0bamacare... which will cost at least $3T more every year
we live in the Brawndo generation