They extracted the baby and THEN killed her.
This was more or less an execution —probably a little less than an execution.
But since our Prez is black and progressive, the leftist MSM makes it go away.
When the FBI came to cart away ALL of the Japanese-Americans it was done not by some run-of-the-mill leftist but instead by the very Grandfather of Liberalism, FDR.
There is a lesson there, and I think that people with badges and uniforms are FARRRRR less likely to question their orders —we have imported many many people born in places where their rulers are their overlords, and mostly they retain that view.
There were FIVE badged officers riding with the NYC motorcycle gang, and they stood and watched.
People shoot off their mouths about “rifle behind every blade of grass” and “the soldiers will turn on their officers, discarding their orders”.
I very strongly disbelieve that.
Are you sure about that?