“Obama, said team names like the Redskins offend “a sizable group of people.”
A president named Obama offends an entire nation.
Good point, never in my life would I have expected someone so named to be president...it is an affront to every citizen no matter their name.
I know right, this coming from a POTUS who locks out WW2 vets from seeing the PRIVATELY FUNDED WW2 memorial! This guy is just the biggest freakin’ POS going. The ONLY reason he is making this comment on the Redskins is the exact same reason he commented on the Trayvon case: To exacerbate racial tensions. That is ALL he has done since day one: Destroy the US from within while doing everything he can to empower and spread radical Islam. When the hell is Congress going to wake up to the fact that we have a foreign enemy agent “leading” this country and impeach his ass before he does anymore damage?