Going after Boehner for this is something for a later date. This is supposed to be a distraction, and the bigger story right now is Reid deciding to go scorched earth.
True. Reid has utterly destroyed HIS ability to ever do back room deals with repubs. Smooth move, because he does a ton of them.
This is SOP for the Dems. There are countless stories of Reid/Pelosi/Obama going back in their word in negotiations.
If Reid is going to refuse conference and go scorched earth Boehner should just cut him out. Engage the kenyan directly. He should have done that all along. No more freebies for the bystander in chief.
Going after Boehner for this is something for a later date. This is supposed to be a distraction, and the bigger story right now is Reid deciding to go scorched earth.
Keep pushing on Reid -Bama. As they get desperate, they make big, character-exposing mistakes. Keep up that twitter pressure, etc! They will keep trying to use their sycophants (media) to polarize our guys. Don’t let ‘em. Out Alinsky them; get the ball back in their court each time by polarizing their guys!