It seems that every time you post you remind us that you live in the Philippines--or wherever it is that you live. Good. Stay there. Others prefer to get four seasons, among the many other benefits of living in the USA.
Living abroad seems to be your major accomplishment in life. Correct me if I'm wrong.
“Living abroad seems to be your major accomplishment in life. Correct me if I’m wrong.”
Yes, I will, as you seem to be quite confused.
I spent my entire life in Tennessee, where I loved the four seasons, but does that mean that I should be required to die there?
After selling my business and starting retirement, I decided to experience other parts of the world. Is that a crime?
Well, in the old Soviet Union it was.
Are you saying that seeing the world in my senior years is treason?
After selling my business, I first started my new life exploring central Europe, where I saw the scars of Communism.
You do know that they did not let people leave, don’t you?
On the bank of the Danube in Slovakia, there is a monument to those that were shot as they tried to swim over to Austria. Would you like to shoot me? You would like to forbid foreign living to US citizens?
NO, living abroad is far from my accomplishments in life.
As a native born American, and decedent of Uncle Sam (war of 1812)I am quite satisfied with living the American dream, which is a life of freedom, starting and operating several businesses.
That does not, however, mean that I can not travel and see other countries, and explore a new life in my years of retirement.
Slick Willie would say “I feel your pain”, but no, I do not feel it. Make your own life, and learn to accept the decisions of others on how they make theirs.
There is a small band of “dogs in a manger” on here that hate my guts. Go and join them. They can use some help, as they are quite so childish with their expletives.