How long till campfires are illegal year round?
In Wisconsin we already have regulations banning the movement of firewood between townships, due to Emerald Beetle infestation.
This will be like the regulations that banned gravity septic systems here. No one will care, but when your system or your stove fails, all that is available is the approved variety. Eventually, the homeowners insurance policies may have waivers(meaning no coverage) for unapproved stoves.
For the septic systems, they just condemned the gravity type and there was a pool you could apply to for help with the cost after the fact (No guarantees of how much assistance, if any). There are already tax credits for the approved wood stoves.
We have an old one. Actually, having a masonry chimney does wonders. In 40 years, I have never seen any black deposits on the snow around our house. There are a lot of old stoves in use out here.