Who made up this "educated estimate"?
Many different groups come up with roughly this amount. Use your search engine of choice and look it up.
It was created by Act of Congress. Signed into law by the President. What private company can say the same?
Non sequitur. It doesn't matter if they only created one or many. The fact is they created this one.
By law, they're self funded.
How a budget is funded is not the same thing as determining a budget.
I suspect the reason you are resistant to the simply truth is that it seems so completely irrational. I was the same way, I simply couldn't believe the government would create such boondoggle that in no small part has lead to so many further usupations of power. Do a little research on your own, don't take my word for anything.
Back up for this claim.
Profits coming through the privileged money creation process mainly occurs at the member bank level of operation, and those profits are not turned over to the Treasury.
Many different groups come up with roughly this amount.
A single credible one would be fine.
The fact is they created this one.
Yes, they created an independent agency of government.