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Pat Buchanan: The House should send up bills one at a time without Obamacare - Start with Defense
Greta on Fox tonight | 26 Sept 2013

Posted on 09/26/2013 8:10:13 PM PDT by 11th_VA

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To: 11th_VA

Pat Buchanan column just out:

21 posted on 09/26/2013 8:57:18 PM PDT by BeadCounter (Really? Syria?)
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To: 11th_VA

It’s good old American common sense like this that caused me to support Pat in ‘92 and and ‘96 and to head his campaign in my county.

Hope the pubbies in the House pick up on it.

22 posted on 09/26/2013 8:57:18 PM PDT by Dick Bachert (Ignorance is not bliss. It is the road to serfdom.)
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To: Art in Idaho

I watched Ted Cruz during his valiant effort to halt the disaster called Obamacare. I hope you watched it as well. If he has used it once, he used the phrase “...we no longer listen to the people, our constituents...” over a hundred times. And he was right...they don’t. And the fact is, THEY NO LONGER NEED TO.

I’ve sent my little rant on this topic before but Ted’s honest comment compels me to do so again.

Dick Bachert

Among others, Thomas Jefferson warned that the financial disaster we now face would be but one of many problems paper money would visit upon us if we allowed our “leaders” to remove the backing from the currency, to wit:

“When the servants of the people are paid with something other than that which the people themselves have produced (i.e. the real, tangible products of their labors or some fixed and real medium of that exchange), the roles of master and servant will be reversed.”

It was believed by Roger Sherman and a majority of those at the Constitutional Convention that un-backed currency would so damage the fabric of the nation that they ATTEMPTED to prohibit it with these few words at Article 1, Section 10, requiring the states to enforce the prohibition: “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;”

If the people and their states grew inattentive to this matter (and they have!), Jefferson also saw this problem ahead:

In a letter to John Taylor in 1816, he wrote, “And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”

We have been “…swindling futurity…” for a long time and this is now where we find ourselves. If the government, through its banker masters at the Federal Reserve, can create “money” from thin air, they certainly don’t need ours every April 15th. That annual sheep shearing is simply an attempt to vacuum enough of the excess paper from the system to keep the rest of us from catching on to the biggest theft ring in the history of man. They have now created so much that their attempt is failing and failing badly to a point where all but the dullest among us (Obama voters and his growing cadres of personal and corporate welfare beneficiaries) are starting to “get it.”

If you understood that last paragraph, you can now make the small leap to an understanding as to why the “progressive” utopian welfare state hacks in Washington don’t give a damn WHAT you think. Their power to create all the “money” they need to fuel their infernal machine and fill the gaping maws of enough of those hoards of welfare constituents to assure their perpetual re-election means that — ready — THEY NO LONGER NEED YOU! They have become, as Mr. Jefferson predicted, our MASTERS.

That they are taking down a nation and a system that has provided more wealth, safety and abundance to more people than any other in history matters not to them. Failing to grasp the lesson of the French Revolution, they believe themselves to be above the impending disaster.

We’re running out of time to get this increasingly rapacious beast back into the cage from which we have carelessly allowed it to escape.

23 posted on 09/26/2013 8:59:12 PM PDT by Dick Bachert (Ignorance is not bliss. It is the road to serfdom.)
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To: jsdjason
My move ... Ok, here's the scenario. House has funded most every dept with separate bills with the talking point, 'we will negotiate with the Senate, but the Gov't workers shouldn't be hurt in the process - let's pass these bills so they can get back to work'

Senate position is, 'we want a clean bill, the Republicans are holding everyone hostage...'

In that scenario, even with a liberal press, I think the pressure would be on the Senate to pass the bills sent over by the House ...

If I were a congressman I'd be willing to risk shutdown over that scenario and talking points.

24 posted on 09/26/2013 9:01:10 PM PDT by 11th_VA (I want a president who won't enforce tax laws ...)
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To: bigbob

Maybe he is only senile every other article?

25 posted on 09/26/2013 9:04:02 PM PDT by GeronL
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To: 11th_VA

I thought I remembered this since we used to wait out the public works stuff for the Corps in the Defense Appropriations Bill or the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation.

Someone said reed would just send it back with all the funding but guess what? He isn’t supposed to be able to originate any spending in the spinate.

The Constitution is silent on the Budget save for that the president submits it to Congress for approval.

Spending bills have been approved for each of 12 agencies since about 1974 and the budget process we are supposed to have but have not followed since 2009 was part of the Budget Act of 1921. The House would be well within their rights to approve budgets by the agency I think.

Although the Constitution does not require the president to present an annual budget, in 1921 the Budget and Accounting Act became law and laid the foundation for the modern budget process, which includes the president’s budget. More recently, the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 established a timetable for the annual budget process, which is kicked off each year by the presidential budget submission. The Budget Act specifies that the president’s budget should be presented to Congress on or before the first Monday in February, which generally coincides with the timing of the president’s annual State of the Union Address.

Read more:

They have managed to make the budget process complicated and in 1974 pushed through baseline budgeting that allows spending to continue without approval since the Congress thought the were just to busy to have to do zero base budgeting every year and so we got government growth automatically proceeding at inflation plus 3% each year.

Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution of the United States of America

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States: If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

26 posted on 09/26/2013 9:05:16 PM PDT by Sequoyah101
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To: Art in Idaho

Considering Cruz was talking about this very idea Sunday morning I’m guessing he likes it! ;) At the time I told my hubby Boehner wouldn’t have the nerve to do it!

27 posted on 09/26/2013 9:10:49 PM PDT by PoplarBluffian
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To: 11th_VA

YESSSSSSSSSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$$ !

The way to win in politics is to STAY ON OFFENSE !

28 posted on 09/26/2013 9:15:36 PM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Commune-Style Obama'care' violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: Mygirlsmom

We must oppose cloture on H. J. Res. 59, so that Harry Reid and Senate Democrats cannot sneak in funding for Obamacare. We need you to call your Senators right now: tell them to oppose cloture on H.J. Res 59 and remind them that a vote for cloture IS a for funding Obamacare.

State Senator Party Phone
AK Mark Begich D (202) 224-3004
AK Lisa Murkowski R (202) 224-6665
AL Jeff Sessions R (202) 224-4124
AL Richard C. Shelby R (202) 224-5744
AR John Boozman R (202) 224-4843
AR Mark L. Pryor D (202) 224-2353
AZ Jeff Flake R (202) 224-4521
AZ John McCain R (202) 224-2235
CA Barbara Boxer D (202) 224-3553
CA Dianne Feinstein D (202) 224-3841
CO Michael F. Bennet D (202) 224-5852
CO Mark Udall D (202) 224-5941
CT Richard Blumenthal D (202) 224-2823
CT Christopher Murphy D (202) 224-4041
DE Thomas R. Carper D (202) 224-2441
DE Christopher A. Coons D (202) 224-5042
FL Bill Nelson D (202) 224-5274
FL Marco Rubio R (202) 224-3041
GA Saxby Chambliss R (202) 224-3521
GA Johnny Isakson R (202) 224-3643
HI Mazie K. Hirono D (202) 224-6361
HI Brian Schatz D (202) 224-3934
IA Chuck Grassley R (202) 224-3744
IA Tom Harkin D (202) 224-3254
ID Mike Crapo R (202) 224-6142
ID James E. Risch R (202) 224-2752
IL Richard J. Durbin D (202) 224-2152
IL Mark Kirk R (202) 224-2854
IN Daniel Coats R (202) 224-5623
IN Joe Donnelly D (202) 224-4814
KS Jerry Moran R (202) 224-6521
KS Pat Roberts R (202) 224-4774
KY Mitch McConnell R (202) 224-2541
KY Rand Paul R (202) 224-4343
LA Mary L. Landrieu D (202) 224-5824
LA David Vitter R (202) 224-4623
MA Edward Markey D (202) 224-2742
MA Elizabeth Warren D (202) 224-4543
MD Benjamin L. Cardin D (202) 224-4524
MD Barbara A. Mikulski D (202) 224-4654
ME Susan M. Collins R (202) 224-2523
ME Angus S. King I (202) 224-5344
MI Carl Levin D (202) 224-6221
MI Debbie Stabenow D (202) 224-4822
MN Al Franken D (202) 224-5641
MN Amy Klobuchar D (202) 224-3244
MO Roy Blunt R (202) 224-5721
MO Claire McCaskill D (202) 224-6154
MS Thad Cochran R (202) 224-5054
MS Roger F. Wicker R (202) 224-6253
MT Max Baucus D (202) 224-2651
MT Jon Tester D (202) 224-2644
NC Richard Burr R (202) 224-3154
NC Kay R. Hagan D (202) 224-6342
ND Heidi Heitkamp D (202) 224-2043
ND John Hoeven R (202) 224-2551
NE Deb Fischer R (202) 224-6551
NE Mike Johanns R (202) 224-4224
NH Kelly Ayotte R (202) 224-3324
NH Jeanne Shaheen D (202) 224-2841
NJ Jeff Chiesa R (202) 224-3224
NJ Robert Menendez D (202) 224-4744
NM Martin Heinrich D (202) 224-5521
NM Tom Udall D (202) 224-6621
NV Dean Heller R (202) 224-6244
NV Harry Reid D (202) 224-3542
NY Kirsten E. Gillibrand D (202) 224-4451
NY Charles E. Schumer D (202) 224-6542
OH Sherrod Brown D (202) 224-2315
OH Rob Portman R (202) 224-3353
OK Tom Coburn R (202) 224-5754
OK James M. Inhofe R (202) 224-4721
OR Jeff Merkley D (202) 224-3753
OR Ron Wyden D (202) 224-5244
PA Robert P. Casey D (202) 224-6324
PA Patrick J. Toomey R (202) 224-4254
RI Jack Reed D (202) 224-4642
RI Sheldon Whitehouse D (202) 224-2921
SC Lindsey Graham R (202) 224-5972
SC Tim Scott R (202) 224-6121
SD Tim Johnson D (202) 224-5842
SD John Thune R (202) 224-2321
TN Lamar Alexander R (202) 224-4944
TN Bob Corker R (202) 224-3344
TX John Cornyn R (202) 224-2934
UT Orrin G. Hatch R (202) 224-5251
UT Mike Lee R (202) 224-5444
VA Tim Kaine D (202) 224-4024
VA Mark R. Warner D (202) 224-2023
VT Patrick J. Leahy D (202) 224-4242
VT Bernard Sanders I (202) 224-5141
WA Maria Cantwell D (202) 224-3441
WA Patty Murray D (202) 224-2621
WI Tammy Baldwin D (202) 224-5653
WI Ron Johnson R (202) 224-5323
WV Joe Manchin D (202) 224-3954
WV John D. Rockefeller D (202) 224-6472
WY John Barrasso R (202) 224-6441
WY Michael B. Enzi R (202) 224-3424

Now that we have your attention, you sorry US Senators, keep in mind that we will replace you with those who will gladly correct your errors - - - .

So, scrub and clean by 2014 !

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick —————

- See more at:


Orrin Hatch
John Cornyn
Lamar’s caddy
John Thune
Linda Gayham
Tom Coburn
Roy Blunt
B*tch McConnell
Dan Coats
Juan McLame


Jeff Sessions
Marco Rubio
Pat Roberts
David Vitter
Jim Inhofe
Tim Scott
Ted Cruz
Mike Lee
Mike Enzi

Rand Paul had been on this list, but it looks like he has backed off. CALL HIS OFFICE!

29 posted on 09/26/2013 9:16:45 PM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Commune-Style Obama'care' violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: BeadCounter
LOL - I love the title, fix bayonets. Agree with Pat here but what he didn't talk about in the column was the mechanics of sending over each individual bill AND most importantly, as he said on Greta, state that, 'we the House have a disagreement with the Senate over funding, but don't want the Gov't to shut down and are sending each department budget seperately'.

It totally kills the RAT arguement the GOP wants to shutdown the Gov't.

I'm beginning to think the next few weeks is Gettysburg for the GOP. By working public opinion they could come out of this with the re-established recognition that the HOUSE sets budgets in this country - I need to sleep

30 posted on 09/26/2013 9:19:02 PM PDT by 11th_VA (I want a president who won't enforce tax laws ...)
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To: 11th_VA

It’s like Rush said Republicans won big in 2010 and not by being bootlickers, it’s probably at Limbaugh’s website, he stated it much better, eloquently.... I’ve got to get shuteye too.

31 posted on 09/26/2013 9:21:06 PM PDT by BeadCounter (Really? Syria?)
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To: Graewoulf

Senator Tim Scott on there, I heard him earlier talking about this I believe on Fox.

32 posted on 09/26/2013 9:23:00 PM PDT by BeadCounter (Really? Syria?)
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To: PoplarBluffian

I also now remember Cruz said something like this as well.

Bohner was very coy tonight on what the next move of the GOP was going to be.

Couple that with the fact the RATs are in total ‘personal destruction mode’, they might be scared the GOP is going to do this.

33 posted on 09/26/2013 9:28:41 PM PDT by 11th_VA (I want a president who won't enforce tax laws ...)
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To: 11th_VA
Too bad the elite Republican establishment is more worried about maintains the status quo and their cushy jobs, benefits and perks, rather than their supposed commitment to smaller government and reduced taxes. We will see the RINOs fall over themselves to vote for cloture. REMEMBER THIS you scum sucking Republican trolls and tell your bosses that the nearly 60% of those of us who oppose ObamaCare consider a vote for cloture, a vote for funding and supporting Obamacare. There was 100% opposition to the bill Christmas 2009 by the Republicans, we must run conservatives against those who vote for cloture.
34 posted on 09/26/2013 10:38:28 PM PDT by cashless (Obama told us he would side with Muslims if the political winds shifted in an ugly direction. Ready?)
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To: Art in Idaho
Great idea! I wonder what Cruz and Lee think of this idea?

I heard Cruz talk of the strategy on Hugh Hewitt last week.

HH: This will be a terrific week next week. We will cover it wall to wall, every minute of it, and I hope that those arguments are made. I also hope, Senator, and in fact, I’ll ask you, will you fight as hard to fully fund the military as you have fought to defund Obamacare?

TC: Absolutely yes, and that’s one thing that’s worth underscoring. Republicans are united. None of us want to shut down the government. Every one of us wants to keep the government funded. Tomorrow, the House of Representatives is going to vote to fund the federal government in its entirety, every bit of the federal government. Even parts we may not be happy with, the House Republicans are going to vote to fund. And if there is a risk of a partial temporary government shutdown, it will be only because Harry Reid and Barack Obama choose to threaten that risk in order to deny hard-working American families the same exemption that they’ve already given to big corporations and to members of Congress. And President Obama and the Senate Democrats have suggested that they might be willing to threaten the pay of the men and women of our armed services. I think that is profoundly cynical and it’s wrong. And if Harry Reid tries to shut down the government to force Obamacare on us, I think the House of Representatives should step up and pass one continuing resolution after another, starting with a continuing resolution that simply funds the military, pays the men and women of the military, sends it over, and see if Harry Reid is willing to look in the eyes of our soldiers and sailors and airmen and Marines, and say that he’s going to try to cut off their paycheck because he’s so committed to Obamacare. I don’t think Harry Reid will be willing to do that, and I think we ought to keep pressing this over and over and over again to say we want to fund the government, but we are listening to the American people, and we must defund Obamacare, because it’s killing jobs, and it’s hurting millions of Americans.

35 posted on 09/26/2013 10:48:54 PM PDT by cynwoody
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To: Sequoyah101
I see nothing in the Constitution that says it can’t be done unless some meat heads have created some stupid procedural rule preventing it.

Procedural rules are just rules. Rules are made to be broken when necessary. The Constitution is the Law.

36 posted on 09/26/2013 10:53:18 PM PDT by cynwoody
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To: jsdjason

Reid will simply add an amendment. Yes. That’s the case with whatever is passed. There is no solution to this that doesn’t go through the Democrat controlled majority in the Senate. However, I think it will be much more easy to win voter approval if the Republicans are shown doing something rather than holding the government hostage. Make the Democrats explain why our dear soldiers and sailors are being held hostage for Obamacare.

No matter what, this will still have to go through majority votes in the House and Senate. Even if Harry Reid today said he’d pass something that delays Obamacare, that bill would still be vulnerable to amendments by the majority after the fact. The same thing goes for whatever is passed by the Senate. That’s going to have to go back to the House for a majority vote.

37 posted on 09/26/2013 11:21:41 PM PDT by CitizenUSA (Why celebrate evil? Evil is easy. Good is the goal worth striving for.)
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To: 11th_VA

A lot of us have had the very same idea - - surely it has occurred to conservatives in Congress.

38 posted on 09/26/2013 11:36:00 PM PDT by Liberty Wins ( The average lefty is synapse challenged)
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To: cynwoody

There needn’t be too many individual CRs, as they should come out in a specific order and cover specific parts of the federal govt.

I’d use Article 1 Section 8, and just go down the list.

Not on the list? So sorry, NO funding for it.

39 posted on 09/26/2013 11:58:50 PM PDT by C210N (When people fear government there is tyranny; when government fears people there is liberty)
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To: C210N
Yes, that's more or less how it should be done. How many news cycles will each subsume?

Of course, at the rate these Congresscritters get work done, the shutdown will already be in progress as the various area-specific CR's are lobbed over to the Senate.

40 posted on 09/27/2013 12:19:59 AM PDT by cynwoody
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