“The Holocaust would not have been as successful without the cooperation of thousands of people from those nations.”
It would have never happened at all if the left hadn’t overturned the Christian monarchies earlier in the 20th century. National Socialism (like Obamunism) had driven Judeo-Christian morality out of the public sphere.
Americans today have to understand that when you remove the Ten Commandments from public building, the public might stop heeding them (especially “Thou Shalt Not Kill”).
>>It would have never happened at all if the left hadnt overturned the Christian monarchies earlier in the 20th century. National Socialism (like Obamunism) had driven Judeo-Christian morality out of the public sphere.<<
You’re probably right.
But the Poles, like most everybody else in Europe, still would have disliked or hated the Jews. Anti-semitism is a pan-European thing.