Posted on 09/24/2013 12:07:03 PM PDT by Rusty0604
Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) expressed concern Tuesday following United States President Barack Obamas speech to the United Nations, in which he referred to Israels presence in Judea and Samaria (Shomron) as the occupation of the West Bank and argued that Israels security depends on the realization of a Palestinian state.
I believe this is one of the most disturbing statements that a United States president has ever made, Katz wrote on his Facebook page.
Mr. President, the existence of the state of Israel is unconditional, and does not depend on the Palestinians, he declared.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I would like the Israelis to know that not all of the US agrees with anything Obama says.
A lot of us know he is a lying POS and we pray for the brave Israelis who are being deserted by this administration.
None whatsoever.
They not only do not reflect what I believe, I think quite a number of them are evil.
Palestinian terrorist army is de fact occupying the West Bank... all in the socialist language, folks. No one in so called Palestinian territories is allowed to have critical thinking and Zero loves it that way. He wants big government to intervene there and make the PA part of that, as well as Israel and the US of A.
THis is not just about Israel, this is about freedom in the whole world to leverage state militia vs federal ones. This is a forced enlistment, and it is a de facto blackmail statement by Obama of lack of support for Israel if Palestinians attack.
Like illegals Palestinians will never follow the dignity of the state they aspire to because they want to destroy Israel... and this kind of friendship is useful for the genocidist Frenchoid governmentoids ruling the US and attempting their UN pipe dream.
Well said Minister, now you know what US occupied Americans have gone through every day of this man’s “Presidency”!
Does Pat Toomey know about this?
Israel’s existence is very dependent on its retaining all of its remaining limited territory, especially the high ground (Judea and Samaria) from which rockets missiles and bombs can be tossed down on its major cities.
So, once again, Dear Leader has important facts reversed, upside down, and backwards.
but we all know he is a good friend of Israel, right?
Israel is now essentially alone. It is clear that Obama will never attack Iran. The wily mullah’s charm offensive and the diplomatic charade will gull the media while all the while Iran’s nuclear centrifuges keep spinning. Israel will do what it has to do. However now that Iran has been granted forward Syrian positions for their mobile short range ballistic missiles,Israel cannot attack without suffering a devastating counterattack. This is the worst strategic crisis that Israel has ever faced. The mullahs will get their nuclear bombs within a year.
This Putz in Chief says something stupid and insulting just about every day.
There’s a reason why it called Judea.
And the beginning of her salvation. The Bible makes it pretty clear Israel will stand alone in the end times. A coalition of their enemies will attack and when all seems lost God Himself will fight for Israel. Look up! And fasten your seat belts....
Obama is a Marxist using the “palestinian right to a state job at the UN” for militancy. He is only talking about himself, same as when he says Trayvon could be his son.
Obama is a rapist, he has been taught in rape.
Fact is Palestinians have a de facto occupying force of terrorists forcing them into ignorance bliss. The whole gamut is run by Marxist management of discontent. Obama is dreaming his fight through that.
Fact is Palestinians claim they are refugees and without a state only if it allows them with the UN to move to destroy Israel, the French Speaking antisemite UN, the French linguistic used by Vichy to even use the Germans to rid them of jewish children the Germans did not want to handle.
This whole charade is a huge scandal. ANd every time they move up against Israel, they move up against us here at home against Christians and State powers.
Liberals do it here too. THey assume power and then they whine they never have enough power and money to do things right.
Same Marxist program of false refugee management and lack of statehood excuses while wallowing with full power over abortion and forcing people into genocidal homosexualoty devoid of any critical thinking and second amendment rights expressing the respect of criticial thinking in a citizen.
No one is America is stopping liberals from commiting themselves to the insane asylum and getting care, but they act that if we have guns and others are free, it’s not fair. They are paranoiac retards by design.
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Thanks Rusty0604.
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