It's not f'd up at all, those are called entry level jobs, meant for teenagers and retirees. Like the greeter at Wal-Mart! Fast food joints are doing a service to the nation for providing those jobs. Businesses are not in business to provide jobs, they're in business to make a profit and as long as they can find someone that will work for that amount of money that's what they should do. They are already forced to pay minimum wage (an artificial number set by politicians to buy votes) if a persons talent is limited to flipping hamburgers they need to be training to garner more talents not seeking to have the government force an artificial wage so they can be rewarded for their lack of drive , truth is they are already overpaid. enough is enough!!!
How fd up is that?
It's not f'd up at all, those are called entry level jobs, meant for teenagers and retirees
Oh stop with that malt shop bull cheet...All day long when the teens are in school, who's serving you up the fast food slop Mr. ontap?
Go into any fast food joint and what do ya see? Adults and 40 year old illegal aliens...Ya gunna send your 16 year old daughter to work with them??
You need to climb out of the 1950s.
Those are called entry level jobs, meant for teenagers