He’s right. I think Cruz needs to do all he can in the Senate including filibustering and being dragged off in handcuffs if necessary. But it’s really up to the House.
The stakes are very high. We’re not just talking about deathcare, we’re probably talking about national divorce.
If deathcare is implemented, the seceshers are going to start gathering supporters and momentum. I disagree with it intently, but that’s where I see this heading.
This is it. We’be been gnashing our teeth every day for five years. We’ve listened to the O’REillys, the Hannity’s, the Coulters etc. I’m tired of this. We finally have someone who embraces the strategy of John Quincy Adams. Sometimes you just get out there and fight for what is right, like Davey Crockett. Sometimes you pick the fight and you fight.
This is it. We’ve watched this country go down the tubes, because we have an absolute phony in the WH. They took over our gov’t in the first two years, and rammed this terrible law down our throats without discussion with out one vote from us.
This is our red line in the sand, Peter King, you coward. this is where we fight. This is a red line that means something.
If enought people say enough is enough and stand up for what is right, right will prevail.