To have a look for yourself, just enter (or COPY / PASTE) these coordinates
35.535505° -99.194569°
into the "fly to" field on Google Earth, and click the "go to" icon at the right.
That marina cove is obviously a favorite crappie fishing area: look at all the (cedar?) trees sunk in the two lateral sub-coves as fish attractors...
My guess is that the two cars were somewhere between the boat sitting perpendicular to the ramp in the May 9, 2012 overflight image, and the end of the ramp, itself.
There is also a cluster of man-made debris (sunken boathouse?) not far to the ENE of the ramp end, as well.
Macabre thought: Those auto hulks probably were fish attractors as well...
See my #42.
Kids running around at speed at night — perfect, deadly trap...