We knew all this in 2007.Hussein is a muslim-marxist crack-smoking closet queen.
Saul Alinsky took his propaganda tenets from Joseph Goebbels.
Saul Alinksy said he was headed to the same place as communists but by a different route.
Hussein doesn't celebrate Christian holidays but drips with muslim trappings too numerous to mention.
The constitution is too constricting--and since Magna Carta, that's the point.
Hussein reminds us of the natural alliance between islamofascists
like the Grand Mufti and the worst of the worst like Himmler
Hussein acts like he's put together by a committee because he is, was, and always shall be.
The resistance he met on Syria indicates he's
He’s having a hard time enabling his Muslim Brotherhood Bros without making it obvious to the unknowing public, isn’t he?!!
We both have so many graphics that apply to the original post.....