Partial Transcript:
Giron: What this story really is about, its about voter suppression. When Colorado has voted by mail 70 percent of Coloradans vote by mail and we didnt have access to that mail ballot, I mean, I
Host: Forgive me, but Im going to cut you off right there because if we talk voter suppression, Ive read reports about a lack of popularity on your behalf, lets just not go there. Lets get to the meat of the story, which is this gun control stance
Giron: That is the meat of the story!
Host: That you and your, uh, lets talk though about the stance that you and your colleague, the head of the Senate, a former police officer, have taken. And here you have mega mega cash from Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Mayor Bloomberg, versus this grassroots effort. What happened?
Giron: Im telling you what happened is that you had only 30,000 of the voters who in the last election, um, off-year election, was 45,000. And so the people that are in support of very common sense gun legislation werent able to get to the polls. They vote by ballot and they have been doing that for 25 years. I mean, we have to call it for what it is. When I was talking to people at the doors and in their homes it was that, Oh, this what this is about, because you want universal background checks so you voted for that, and because youre limiting magazines to 15? I dont see anything wrong with that, I dont see any infringement on the Second Amendment. So, people didnt know what it was about. There was voter confusion. We didnt even know what the rules of the game were, this is the United States of America, we didnt even know what the rules of the game were a week out from the election. Where to vote, how to vote, were you going to get a ballot in the mail? Um, and, so it was just that confusion led to the voices of people in Pueblo County and El Paso County not having their voices heard and yet theyre going to have to pay for this election, the most expensive in the history of these two counties.
Calling your voters stupid and confused is never a winning strategy either.
She mentions that she noticed voter suppression a week out.....why didn’t she go on record then?
Lying POS.
The message is clear. If a politician votes because they know what's best for the people, the people might decide they know what's best for the traitor to their values.
We need to follow Colorado's lead and start sweeping these tyrants out of office everywhere!
From the whiner, “And so the people that are in support of very common sense gun legislation werent able to get to the polls.”
Let’s get this was ONLY the people who support Giron who were unable to get to the polls?
What? They didn’t know when to go?
IMO, with all the BS about vote-by-mail, early voting, and such, we have already usurped the voting model envisioned by the Founders.
If these mysteriously disenfranchised voters want to vote...go to the polls and vote. Other than that, sit down and shut up.
If Girons eager to blame the results on something other than support for gun rights, though, she could always blame it on a backlash to her and John Morses personal jackassery:
When Morse shut that down, and Chairperson Giron went along, they crossed the double-red line of Colorado government. Had the seven gun control bills (one of which I testified in favor) been heard on March 4-6, instead of being rammed through committees on March 4, the recall might never have happened. Its one thing to lose; its another to thing to lose when you didnt even have the opportunity to present your reasoning. While the gun control bills were before the Senate in March, President Morse urged his caucus to stop reading emails, to stop reading letters from constituents, to stop listening to voicemails, to vote for the gun bills and ignore the constituents. Giron, presciently following this strategy, had allowed citizens to raise Second Amendment concerns at a single town hall meeting, and thereafter refused to discuss the issue at public fora.
"They did their best to deny their opponents a voice lets call that voter suppression so their opponents spoke on Tuesday night. Game over."
Personally I don’t care why she claims she lost.
She lost because she pissed off enough votes to bring her to recall, and they dumped her.
I want all RINO’s and gun grabbers to take note.
The people of America are tired of being crapped on.
FU mizz giron... fu and all like you!
Silly Dems never have figured out the media are not the electorate and vice versa.
Right.. when dems lose, it’s due to voter suppression. When they win, “the people spoke.”
So... Giron’s contention is her supporters, though everyone knew of the coming recall, never bothered to take the initiative and research the info they needed. Any “suppression” here is self-inflicted.
Face facts you stupid b! got recalled because the majority of Colorado voters support A2, and you DIDN’T GIVE A DAMN what they thought.
She’s kinda making a case for voter ID.
Seems like some people figured out the rules. Is she saying that her supporters are too dumb to figure out how to vote so rule changes lowered the votes for her but didn’t lower the votes against her?
Or, by “we didn’t have access to that mail ballot” does she mean “we” is her party and the party wasn’t able to send a lot of votes for people who would not vote on their own.
She’s repeating the line from DNC head Kenny G.
Crudely thrown down the front steps, landing on her fat ass.
If voters are to stupid to figure out how to vote, why not drop gun control and pick up education reform.
If her people are too stupid and confused to vote, they shouldn’t be voting. That’s how we got obama.