The letter “g” on the receipt and on the note do not seem to be the same. Also, look at the last word of the note, “ever”. The ending “er” is not the same as on the receipt either.
I am not a handwriting analyst, nor do I play one on TV, but these don’t seem to be written by the same person.
The Handwriting sample appears to match the word “None” but not the word below it.
Let’s take a look at the job app she filled out for a sample of her handwriting.
It looks like both parties were in the wrong.
The Service Industry is terrible work and stiffing someone, even on a take-out order isn’t right.
Not to mention, the next time you might get an unexpected “surprise” in your meal. One that you are unaware of.
My first job was in the Restaurant industry and I saw what happened to people’s food that were problematic/cheap.