Posted on 09/10/2013 8:24:44 PM PDT by oxcart
The White House on Tuesday said it had ordered heightened security of U.S. facilities abroad on the September 11 anniversary, citing the attack that killed four U.S. government employees in Benghazi, Libya, last year.
"The president's national security team is taking measures to prevent 9/11 related attacks and to ensure the protection of U.S. persons and facilities abroad," the White House said in a statement.
President Barack Obama's counterterrorism aide Lisa Monaco has been in charge of reviewing security measures in place for the anniversary, the White House said.
Four Americans including the U.S. ambassador to Libya were killed in an attack on a compound in Benghazi a year ago. The administration initially said the assault grew out of anti-Western protests.
Later, however, it turned out that Islamist extremists launched the attack on the September 11 anniversary. The administration was forced for months to defend its handling of the events at Benghazi, with critics charging officials deliberately played down the nature of the attack to protect the president's re-election bid.
The White House said its first reports were based on incomplete information.
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Reagan lived by the credo: Trust, but verify.
With Obama we can do neither.
Obama lied to us about Benghazi, and then spent a year covering up his dereliction of duty as Commander In Chief during the critical hours of the Benghazi Massacre.
Can anyone in the US Military trust Obama?
Why should we taxpayers trust Obama?
Who can trust someone whose own SEALED personal records cannot be verified?
Obama cannot be trusted or verified is the obvious conclusion.
Ahhhh....OK....barn door...missing horse? Geez but the president is an idiot.
Obama has video of Hitlary in her swim suit...thunder and thighs to the offensive!
‘White House Ramps Up 9/11 Security’
A year too late for the 4 patriots murdered in Benghazi. How do these Dems sleep at night???
In a just world Sept 11 would be a day that makes Muslim extremists around the world afraid to go outside, not the other way around.
That’s rich, coming from an administration that set up its own Ambassador for a deadly hit on Sept 11 last year, and then lied about it.
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