The STUNNING, absolutely shameless, unconscionable hypocrisy of John F’n Kerry appearing before Congress to ask for a ‘yes’ on sending our men into harm’s way (do you really think Obama won’t end up with boots on the ground?) and saying “trust us” with this after Obama left Americans to die while he went to bed early (with whom is still a question) and then flew to Vegas the next day is just surreal.
“Trust us” after they lied (still lying) about that d@mned video? “Trust us” after F & F, the IRS being sicced on Americans who disagree with Leftist Obama? “Trust us” after the NSA is found to be spying on everybody, not just terrorists (and Congress was lied to about it)? “Trust us” when they are cramming Obamacare, which Americans are overwhelming against and is destroying our economy/healthcare, down the country’s throat, because it’s necessary for Obama’s Ego & Legacy? “Trust us” because every time there is a crisis, Obama ends up on a golf course somewhere? “TRUST US”? As Huckabee said last night .... you can’t lose what you don’t have .... with this regime, they have no credibility so there is none to lose by Obama or anybody else, including Congress if they dare to vote ‘yes’.
Notice how Kerry linked Benghazi and fast and furious....both having to do with weapon transfers over borders. Hunter asked about Benghazi. Kerry knows damn well that Lybia wa being used as a weapons transfer point in some covert get the arms to the rebels dictum from the jerk in charge.