Dear Sally:
Please watch the video at this link:
It will explain that trying to reduce carbon emissions is 50 times more costly than adapting to global warming.
And, by the way, any islands which are experiencing rising sea levels are doing so because of subsidence. Reducing carbon won’t stop that. I suggest you pump a few inches out of the Pacific Ocean. I will be glad to suggest a place where you can put that water.
Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year - top scientists warn of global COOLING
Cognitive dissonance is at record volumes here:
Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year - top scientists warn of global COOLING
When I was a teenager, I went to the beach in Huntington Beach, California, almost every day all summer long.
I noticed that the beach was getting narrower and narrower as the years went by.
At first, I thought it was the water getting deeper, but I finally figured out that it was the oil pumping lowering the land.
I realized that when I was seventeen. Why can’t the warmist morons realize it at their age?
Oh, right. If they openly admitted that, we wouldn’t have to pay all those carbon taxes on every stinkin’ thing we do.
And not only that, Algor might be reduced to the penury of having only one billion dollars.
The horror.