There is no defense against a crazy person who spontaneously attacks and kills you with one strike:
His fist went in and the mans head bobbed and he hit the ground and you could hear his skull hitting the ground.
Nothing can protect against that... except maintaining safe distance. Hard to do that in a large city. Avoid them.
Sure no guarantee of a defense in this instance, I’m sure it was a speedy brutal attack but, that thug would have been on my radar, especially these days.
Exactly. Sometimes having a gun just won’t make a difference once way or the other.
It is called “situational awareness”. I practice it all the time. Keep your head moving to detect anything out of place or people acting or sounding abnormal. Body language screams when you are looking for it.
Yes, he was sucker punched. One thing you must always be in NYC is completely alive to the tips of your toes for wild animals. You cannot let your guard down. Even then, you might still be set up for prey. I was never mugged in the 27 years I lived there. Luck combined with great awareness. I always kept an eye out one block ahead of me.