I believe that the money will go into an account that he can’t touch. He can have $80 a month which can come from money he earns or from money he has on the outside. So, he won’t be spending much which means it will all role up to his estate for distribution in accordance with his will. My guess is that the Muslim Brotherhood will get it.
Now that the trial is over the victims can proceed with their damage claims. Remember they were put on hold for the criminal trial?. Whatever net worth Needle Noodle has will be locked up for distribution to his targets/families. And if he publishes any big-selling jihady books, etc. the proceeds will go to the restitution fund. Along with any other kind of money he might make/receive. That’s a minor reason to keep him around for awhile-—so that he has to address the damage claims. And all those court proceedings might be worse than death.
I guess we should be thankful that he didn’t reproduce. If Al Qaida gets it, you can bet it will be for arms to kill more infidels.