My head is on straight. I’m addressing the international arena and their agreement that both of those wars were “illegal”.
Now, in terms of the US Constitution, those wars were not fought with declarations of war. Bosnia never even received congressional authorization, iirc. Iraq, on the other hand, did.
Had Iraq been merely a reprisal rather than a 10 year adventure, I would have agreed that the “letter of authorization” would match the constitutional “Letter of Reprisal.”
“Im addressing the international arena and their agreement that both of those wars were illegal.”
As I am as well. Acting in the “international arena” doesn’t free American politicians from the constraints of the Constitution, unless we allow it.
And no, the UN doesn’t have the responsibility for investigating and assigning responsibility under the Constitution. Only Congress may:
“...define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations...”
Note the words “define” and “punish”. In addition, as I have already pointed out, the UN Treaty does not trump the Constitution.