If the Constitution doesn't protect us, than nothing will (short of armed resistance/offensive.)
One way is to make people believe that their rights come from the Constitution ("Constitutional rights") instead of from God. This makes it easier to alter or change the definition and/or the meaning of the words in the document: if men wrote the document, men can change it; if your rights are given to you by men, via the Constitution, other men can then take them away.
Complain or protest against any liberal idea? Hate speech. Refuse to go along with any liberal plan? Mean-spirited. Any idea from a conservative? "It'll take us back to the fifties! It'll roll back 'progress' (euphemism for any liberal idea)." Churches won't 'marry' homos? Take away their tax-free status and pass laws forcing them to go against their beliefs (what first amendment about religion?).
The latter is more likely than the former. The Constitution is no longer operative in the US. It was on its deathbed for many years, but it officially died the day Roberts sold out and SCOTUS approved Obamacare.
Sad to say, but at this point the Constitution will not protect us from people who see it as an impediment to their plans and who denounce people who cite the Constitution as terrorists.