It doesn't have to be smoked. it can be taken in a variety of forms. Personally, in my younger days, in excess to honest. Today, I can't even be around when someone is smoking it. it makes me sick. With that said, though, I have come to the frame of mind that at the very least, cannabis needs to be reclassified from Schedule 1 drug to something else.
It make no sense to me that because of the classification US companies can't even raise industrial hemp for use in non-medcial MJ products. We are purposefully excluding the use of a product that would bring billions of dollars of revenue to the US, without a single bong hit, or toke taking place.
You got that right, bud.
But did you also know?
Marijuana can make stronger and lighter concrete products,
10 times more paper / acre than southern yellow pine,
fine textiles and clothing that wears and breathes better than cotton,
as a source of dietary fiber there is no equal for effective results yet no stomach discomfort,
as a drug treatment for anything that ails ya = the list of cures can not be topped by any other drug and there is no way possible to overdose with marijuana.
And I forgot to mention marijuana has become the most effective drug for treating seizures.