page is gone
I’m guessing a web page that directly tells people to violate the law probably is also against the law. Conspiracy to commit a crime, in all likelyhood.
In a country where we put a boy in jail for 5 months for a joke on a gamer board, seriously urging people to commit a felony should get this man in serious trouble.
It sure is.
That person should be in jail. Find him/her/it.
Use your antivirus, I just did.
I think that already happen in NV. A Walmart clerk reported a CCW as a man with a gun and acting threatening and erratic. It turned out to be a CCW shopping with his girl friend and family. At the entrance of the store the Las Vegas City police waited for him to arrive. All three officers pulled their gun out, but each yelled out a different set of instructions “freeze, hands up, and to the ground!”. When the CCW complied with one of the instructions from one officer, the other two fired because he did not follow their instructions. The entire episode was on store sec camera and tape, but the evidence later was lost when the family tried to sue. The family argued that the CCW was behaving normally in the store and did not act threatening or erratic. This whole incident started when the clerk called the police when she saw the pistol on the CCW owner as he leaned over to pick up a pack of bottled water and possibly embellished the report to get faster police response.
I agree . . . especially when the brandisher is a LEO. But who ya going to call?
Considering this is referencing something from the well-established semi-truthsite examinerdotcom, I am highly skeptical of the entirety of the claim.
In some places there is not a provision to charge it as a crime... Just making a report to 911 is viewed simply as a tip.
The more the police are informed and experienced about open and concealed carry, the less vulnerable they are to being manipulated by such scoundrels.
One of the biggest things is when they see through the subjective, “There’s a person with a gun here and I feel threatened.”
Properly, the police dispatcher then asks them, “What is the person with the gun doing?”
“He’s sitting there drinking a coffee and reading a newspaper... In a *menacing* fashion! He has a gun!”
“By that description he is not doing anything unlawful. Please do not call the police emergency number except to report an actual emergency. Good-bye. (click)”