Another thing Common Core will do is eliminate learning handwriting, the writing of cursive. Barton pointed out this would make reading of our original Founding documents (before typewriters and computers) unreadable by most people in the future. It would also put most of any personal correspondence of previous years in the same boat, such as valuable old family letters and diaries.
My wife and I wrote for years while I was in Vietnam and while overseas. We didn't have the benefit of telephones, typewriters, computers, e-mail, or TV in those days, so what we have exists in our memories (which fade) and our many letters, which do not fade.
Now we realize those years of detailed personal letters are snapshots of a singular era and (for us) monumental experiences - a valuable and very personal view, a treasure of contemporary personal history lived and experienced. In the end, we think it is perhaps the most valuable thing we may be able to leave to our future family generations. But if these future generations are not able to read them, will they not be but useless trash to them?
For example, how would you value the on-the-spot daily War Diaries of your great-great-great grandfather from the Civil War and the letters with his far away wife which you just found in an old trunk in your attic? But if it were written in undecipherable code, would it not be a great loss both to you and him - as well as your decendents?.
Common Core is much more than "bad education". It is a malignant killer of the varied and magnificent wealth of human history, culture, and much that is worthwhile in human experience. It is a history and generation killer. It replaces that with the "official" view which is stunted, ideologically skewed, likely totalitarian. However, it is perfect for a control-freak society run by tyrants!
Which, of course, is the idea...
Wow. You are right on. I should have known the Freepers would know what’s going on.
God knows we got the IRS and the NSA and Benghazi but the creepiest most dangerous of all is this Common Core.
Big big goings on in Delaware over this.