To: Deathtomarxists
I wonder what would happen to the general staff officer that refused the illegal attack on a country that is not currently ins state of war against us; and with no legal authority from Congress.
17 posted on
08/24/2013 7:24:21 PM PDT by
Vermont Lt
(Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will watch the watchers?)
To: Vermont Lt
Oh, Obama said “I don’t need no Steenkin Congress!” don”t you know.
I’m starting to like ron Paul...yikes!
27 posted on
08/24/2013 7:36:36 PM PDT by
Recovering Ex-hippie
(Pray for our country...Pray for America and the brave souls who are defending us!)
To: Vermont Lt
I wonder what would happen to the general staff officer that refused the illegal attack on a country that is not currently ins state of war against us; and with no legal authority from Congress.The same thing that happens to every general staff officer of the Obamanation:
He'll do as he's told, and will be rewarded with a taxpayer-funded pension, with taxpayer-funded health care for life, and a private dacha by the lake.
102 posted on
08/25/2013 1:50:54 PM PDT by
Old Sarge
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