Like wild dogs, it does not take long for feral pigs to become a real danger. While still smaller (200#) than their Wild Boar cousins (3-400#), like them they can be very dangerous to be near and will destroy agriculture unbelievably fast. Mother sows are like mother bears, close encounters can be deadly.
These that are being trapped are probably no more than two generations feral / wild. Still not a job for the faint of heart! Ever heard of the terms “Pig Sticker” and “Boar Spear”? Nice SHARP spear with a crosspiece behind the head to keep that sucker from getting TOO CLOSE! Best used from horseback with a well trained horse! Better would be a heavier caliber rifle, .270 Winchester and a scope.
I don't take anything over 100#, that's a personal preference, and the limits of convenient processing for me.