I give up. Maybe this is satire?
Koch Ind are in the oil, gas and petrochemical / pharmaceutical business .
Consider the possibilities
Koch provides gasoline and oil for cars and the chemicals for gun powder
That means the boycott will put a stop to drive by shootings and shooting in general. I'm all for it. Even better, if they get real serious about this boycotting of Koch gasoline there is another hidden benefit. There is absolutely no way car jackers could know if Koch gasoline was in the tanks of the cars they were jacking and it would be out of bounds to jack a car with Koch gasoline in the tank. This could really put a crimp in car jackings as well .
Koch makes the chemicals the hood rats use for the production of methamphetamine. This shuts down their meth labs which takes dangerous drugs off the street, reduces the risk of the meth lab burning down buildings (especially apartment buildings) where they set up the labs, and reduces the the pollution caused by illegal dumping of toxic waste byproducts of meth labs. Icall that the gift that keeps on giving
They can cut off the use of Koch natural gas for heating and cooking. They don't pay for the gas, we do via government subsidized payment of utility bills which will reduce welfare entitlement spending . Im down with that too.
Plenty of examples if how a Koch boycott on the part of these losers is benefit to society in general.
I have absolutely not a clue in the world how Koch Ind and the Zimmerman trial are connected but I sure can get behind their boycott since it is such a great win fir the rest of society