Basically I don't think there's any position Brown has that he wouldn't compromise for a vote. I'm sick of him and the rest like him. I'm pretty sure many others are in this boat (witness what happened to Brown's clone Gabriel Gomez) and until the GOP realizes it and supports more principled candidates, we'll keep going right down the crapper.Him and the Warrens of the world are taking us to the same place, her just a little faster. In either case the destination is extremely hot and I don't intend on being there. I know there are many good people (I'm sure you're one) who would vote for him or someone similar. I just can't anymore and I sleep well with the decision.
well, old Gomez had a primary opponent named Sullivan ... and the conservatives could have gotten him elected if they decided to put their money where their mouth is.
It is a free country and nobody is stopping the MASS conservatives from running candidates and getting them elected. You say the GOP should do it for you?
“until the GOP realizes it and supports more principled candidates”
You want them to spoon feed you?
as a Christian, I am required to exercise sound judgment in civic matters. Somebody who votes with the conservatives 80% of the time is a flawed ally, not an adversary.
Marcia Coakley and Lizzy Warren are adversaries.
God did not authorize anybody to turn that seat over to the Communists. Who told the conservatives in MASS that they were allowed to let the Commies win 2 new Senate seats? Who issued the order to stand down?
Public folly is a grave sin.
Some of your friends were afraid that Scottie would get re-elected? Explain to the Christian folks in Indiana and North Carolina why you want Lizzy Warren to rule over them and that Scottie Brown was the greater danger and had to be defeated!