“When Army, any Army, have to support their ground troops, there is no other choice but to involve tanks”
I worked on the tank for 10 years, but I don’t know anything about tactics. The Army guys I talked to say it’s worthless in Afghanistan; no roads to speak of. They have replaced it with “tanks” built on a 6 ton truck chassis. So, the troops are getting support, just not from 105’s. But they say their engagements are taking place at 100 yards with machine guns. The truck “tanks” can apparently mulch the ground at that range. Target killing is done by drones and circling fighters/bombers and remotely launched missiles. (Hope I’m not getting this wrong. Speak up Army guys.) The real problem with the tank is getting it there and keeping it fed with fuel once it’s there.
I would agree with your post about Afghanistan. Armored Forces are not effective in this setting. I don’t think that there is enough drones and missiles to deal with this problem. Not sure why US military got involved in Afghanistan. They had to learn from mistakes of Russian army.