Regarding Obamas threat to yank benefits of disabled veterans as a consequence of sequester, please consider the following.
Although Obama is once again trying to take advantange of a crisis to push his socialistic agenda, there is NOTHING stopping Congress from doing the following for disabled vets. Congress can make an earmark-free bill that would provide funding for disabled veterans. And when Obama vetoes the bill, if Congress is really serious about supporting disabled veterans, then Congress has the following option. The Constitutions Clause 2 of Section 7 of Article I gives Congress the power to override Obamas veto if 2/3 of both Houses of Congress vote to pass the vetoed disabled veterans support bill.
March on Congress and demand that they do their time is's time to show our faces and demand they do their job. Shame them...demand that they become men and women of principle and do the right thing. Threaten them with job loss if they do not listen to We the People, and then DO IT. Make this one of your top priorities and let's get the Tea Parties up and making a big noise. Join up with them and get out there and make yourself heard and your presence involved in the support and promotion of a Conservative candidate to replace these traitorous aholes in Washington...enough with the chatter on blogs. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition of resistance and resolve to save this country. Join the armies of resistance in this country and be the boots on the ground...if you and I won't who will?