Its thought that way to deflect uncomfortable truths
>>Its thought that way to deflect uncomfortable truths<<
No, it’s “thought that way” (that environment is more important to IQ than genetics) because that’s what the more research has shown.
In other words, ExDem Lady is correct. It is not only not an “uncomfortable truth”; it is just not the truth, period.
It’s probably comforting, however, to think that nothing can be changed because then one doesn’t have to worry about the devastation that black culture (as it has evolved in the U.S.) has wreaked on black children’s futures, or about how that culture might somehow be changed.
One thing I suspect we do agree on, however, is that the problem isn’t going to be solved by throwing more money at it. In fact, I’d argue that federal money is probably at the root of the decay of black families in this country.
In a nutshell, ExDem Lady is probably right when she states that black and white children reared in equal settings would end up with the same measured IQ’s. That’s what the more recent research implies. Those of you who think otherwise are either basing your opinions on decades-old research or on a preconceived notion. In either case, you’re probably wrong and should consider the implications of going through life believing what you currently believe on this matter.
It doesn’t mean you’re bad people in any way, but if you’re immune to considering the possibility that you’ve been wrong in consigning black children to a lower status due to innate intelligence differences, well, that misperception could cause a good person to go astray at times.
What the country really needs is a white population that universally understands that black children are underperforming primarily because of their personal circumstances, and not because they are innately stupid (bad word, I know, but that’s what many of you think), because if everyone understood that, then maybe something would finally be done about the situation.
Personally, I’d start by re-evaluating every federal dime that goes to black communities and restructure all programs so that their present perverse incentives are eliminated. Of course, to do that, you’d have to first fire the First Black President, since all he’s done is add to their plight by increasing those same programs.