No other Chapters have done something this dumb, recently. This was arrogant on the part of the Chapter, and they knew the rules. They broke the rules.
How about non-recently? Not looking for an argument — but you did bring up school bonds, etc. I would think there are precedents?
Should individual chapters take a position with regard to the Equal Rights Amendment? If they do, should they be thrown out? And should notice of them being,thrown out be delivered to all the other chapters first? By homosexual activists?
These are not rhetorical questions.
The Chapter in Cleveland is no doubt proud to have broken the rules and justly proud to no longer be listed as an “affiliate” of NRTLC. Now the Cleveland chapter can ravage the pro-perversion trashbag Robert Portman with no further insolent interference by the NRTLC poohbahs who value their reputation for compliant spineless “moderation” above all else. NRTLC has earned that reputation, deserved that reputation and can wallow in that reputation. Cleveland pro-lifers will be free to get the job done without worrying about NRTLC’s tender and spineless sensibilities.