Wow..the pieces would definitely fit this scenario.
I've been puzzled at why they would intimidate the survivors of the Libya attack to keep quiet, just for political gain. This makes much more sense.
They were running a Mideast Fast and Furious, arming sides against one another to stir the pot or just a money making cartel?
It would at least explain why WE decided to get rid of the dictator of Libya.
If you go to the link near the end there are two posts from the same blogger. He alludes that the head of the gang is still running things from prison. And states plainly that 0 is under his influence
Gang was actually convicted of domestic terrorism. Hmmm?
BTW the gangs colors are red black and green. Didn’t MO wear an outfit in those three colors at a big function. Remember us trying to figure out what it was all about. Think MaggieF posted the picture ?????