BillO’Reilly is a white man and despite his wishy-washy way of catering to the black man, he thinks like a white man.
Obama thinks like a black man and thinks he can take the wealth from the white man give it to the black and everything will be ok.
Now that is a simplistic answer. But go back and view what has happened during Obama’s reign and you will see that is exactly what Obama is trying to do..
“Obama thinks like a black man”
How exactly does a black man think differently? The problem with Obama is that he thinks like a liberal. Pigmentation does not preclude a particular thinking pattern. If you think pigmentation precludes or predisposes a leftwing or rightwing worldview, you are thinking like a liberal yourself. Keep your eyes on the ball and don’t let the liberals change the narrative. If we don’t let them make everything about race by focussing on the real issues in our response, the pendulum of public opinion will swing back to the right.