I understand what you’re saying LD but Americans get some of the blame in this too. Companies overseas using slave level wages is not free market competition. We conservatives say, “well if they can make it cheaper then they’ve just beat us in the free market “ That’s. BS if it’s serf or slave level workers.
If Americans then buy those cheap items instead of those made by real wages paid to Americans, then regular Americans are partly to blame for lost American jobs. And they’re partly to blame for themselves being paid lower wages. That’s why bringing in illegal workers is so important to Obama and rino corporate cronies. They need serf workers to take low wages to keep the middle class in line
We are being taken down the road to serfdom
The money gets redeployed elsewhere. The money saved on the price difference between a $12 American serving spoon and a $2 Chinese serving spoon ends up going into an excessively large home mortgage payment on a house bigger than the buyer can properly afford - even with all the money he saved on the spoon.
American banksters get the money instead of American manufacturers. And you know what careful stewards they are of extra funds that come into their hands. /s