Now, there has been much discussion about how Obamacare will drive many companies to convert full time jobs into part time jobs, that this is a big weakness of the law, etc. However, I submit that it is an intention of Obamacare to create this situation.
For one thing, it creates more dependency, as a lot more people will not be able to hold down two 29 hour per week jobs than those who will. So, real income of typical workers will go down, and more will fall back on gov't support. Never mind that the money for the support must be printed out of nothing more than the "paper" it is on.
Perhaps as important to the Dems in the short run, this approach concurrently improves the employment numbers as reported by the MSM. This is happening already: As employers convert to more part time openings, more laborers will be hired, improving the U1 unemployment numbers, decreasing unemployment claims, etc. This is dutifully reported as the economy getting better, never mind that the income of the average middle class family is tanking.