I went to lunch with clients so missed most of the show so far. I returned from lunch about 1300 and as I was getting in the car Rush nailed it. He articulated a lot of what we, at least I, am thinking. He does that and that is why I listen. He grapples with things until he encapsulates them. What is it?
We live in a Banana Republic. We work up one day and it had happened overnight. The transformation has been so fast and so complete it begs to question how George Bush was ever elected in the first place. It has not been gradual. One day, like turning on a light switch, we were transformed. The old guard pubbies attack the new kids with more vengeance than they do the arch enemies or obastard. It is pretty clear whose side they are on. But why? Bought off? Threatened? Complicit? Co-conspirators? What? Why?
What has happened to us?
rodguy911 had some very good explanations yesterday, in another thread; maybe he can elaborate. I have to go to a mtg.