Meanwhile, here in Texas, we can’t fill all our openings, rent and real estate are a fraction of those there and almost no one works for minimum wage. Please don’t take that as an invitation, motley striking burger jockeys of the East Coast.
Labour demand in Alberta hit the point a couple of years back where restaurants were paying signing bonuses to busboys.
Mickey D’s-—— MacDetroit’s. Oh yeh and if you refuse to eat at fast food places then you are a racist. We get it!
Similarly, down in Monahans, TX, the McDonald's sign out front right now says they are hiring off the street with no experience... $14.00/hr.
Any unskilled labor can hire on right out of HS, probably without even had completed HS... at $19.00/hr... in the oil fields. Brutal work, but the labor market is tight out here, just like you said.
If you don't have a job out here, it's because there is definitely something wrong with you.