I dont disagree, but where does a preteen learn HOW to make intelligent choices?
From their parents ,siblings and peers. Unfortunately their parents siblings and peers dont know how to make intelligent choices. If they did they wouldnt be where they are.
The children of parents on welfare generally are living amongst other children of welfare parents.
Nearly all of their childhood experiences are going to be centered in a culture of dependency (of all kinds).
They have little chance of learning good life skills because their role models do not have good life skills.
Their only chance is a government program such as was forced on Clinton that put a time limit on government aid. A forced weaning off of welfare is the only likely exit for the welfare dependant.
I agree parents, siblings, and peers don’t do the proper job. It is unfortunate community organizations that teach morals, leadership and achievement could make a difference (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Junior Achievement, YMCA, JROTC) are not embraced by the community for cultural reasons. It is also unfortunate “community organizers”, funded by progressive organizations, are focused on agitation and not building up people. Finally, the churches in the community are failing to assist teen parents in developing necessary life skills and childrearing skills.
Essentially we have a breakdown into a culture of anarchy and dependency that is self perpetuating and enabled by welfare. In addition to your suggestion of putting a time limit on government aid, we also need government projects involving hard work that teach these people the job skills needed to survive and prosper in the workplace. Perhaps we should bring back the CCCC and put the welfare dependent to work improving the infrastructure in public places. Work or starve. Add in some military discipline and it may be possible to turn some welfare dependents into productive citizens.